We periodically assess topics relevant to sustainability to inform our focus and Sustainable Impact strategy, investments, and disclosures. This enables us to focus on the areas where we can have the greatest impact, determine gaps in our approach, and identify trends and leadership opportunities for our business. The assessments also inform our goals-setting process, and we have set aggressive goals to manage performance and drive long-term progress related to ESG topics identified.

At HP, we support the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and recognize the importance of contributing to a more sustainable future. We have existing programs that contribute to progress of 16 of the 17 goals and continue to drive innovations that help achieve them. Some of our current goals include:

  • Reduce HP value chain GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to 2019), and achieve net zero emissions by 20401
  • Reach 75% circularity for products and packaging by 20302
  • Recycle 1.2 million tonnes of hardware and supplies by 2025, since the beginning of 2016
  • Counteract deforestation for non-HP paper used in our products and print services by 20303 and continue to source only sustainable fiber for all HP-brand paper and paper-based packaging for home and office printers and supplies, PCs, and displays4
  • Reach one million workers through worker empowerment programs by 2030, since the beginning of 2015

For more information, please see the Climate Action section of the 2023 HP Sustainable Impact Report at www.hp.com/go/report.

1 Absolute reduction of Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions compared to 2019. Excludes non-HP paper consumed during product use.

Percentage of HP’s total annual product and packaging content, by weight, that will come from recycled and renewable materials and reused products and parts by 2030.

3 Fiber by weight will be 1) certified to rigorous third-party standards, 2) recycled, or 3) balanced by forest restoration, protection, and other initiatives through HP’s Forest Positive Framework.

4 HP-brand paper and paper-based packaging for home and office printers and supplies, PCs, and displays are derived from certified and recycled sources, with a preference for Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification. Packaging is the box that comes with the product and all paper-based materials inside the box.