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In addition to any reports required by law, HP tracks several environmental performance indicators of its operations, suppliers and products. These are summa...
Does your company produce an annual environmental (or corporate social responsibility [CSR]) report?
Since 2001 HP has provided in-depth information on its social and environmental progress to our key stakeholders. The 2023 HP Sustainable Impact Report cov...
HP owns and leases facilities around the world. At our 216 sites in 57 countries around the world, we are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emiss...
To achieve our EHS policy goals, we implement an environmental, health, and safety management system (EHS MS) as an integral part of doing business. It is t...
We periodically assess topics relevant to sustainability to inform our focus and Sustainable Impact strategy, investments, and disclosures. This enables us ...
HP is recognized as one of the world’s most sustainable companies. Some of the highlights include: CDP 2023 Rankings—Received a triple “A” rating across C...
HP owns and leases facilities around the world. Our Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy (now available in Chinese, Korean, and Spanish) and EHS ma...
HP is committed to delivering a leading environmental, health and safety (EHS) program that strives for continual improvement for the safety of our employee...
HP’s EHS management system aligns with the American National Standards Institute Z10 and International Standardization Organization (ISO) 14001 standards to...
ISO 14001 is a voluntary international standard that defines the elements of an environmental management system (EMS) needed for an organization to effectiv...