HP is committed to delivering a leading environmental, health and safety (EHS) program that strives for continual improvement for the safety of our employees. We recognize the reliance and impacts our business has on the environment, including resource consumption, air emissions, and water discharge. We remain committed to conducting our business in a responsible manner to minimize our operational impacts on human health and the environment, while providing products and services that are safe and environmentally sound throughout their lifecycles. To deliver on our commitments, we will:

  • Meet or exceed applicable legal requirements
  • Proactively identify, assess, and mitigate EHS risks, to reduce occupational injury and illness risks wherever we work and promote employee health and well-being
  • Continue to challenge ourselves by committing to increasingly aggressive energy and water conservation, waste and emissions reduction, and pollution prevention objectives in our operations
  • Design and manufacture our products to be safe to use and to minimize environmental impact
  • Offer our customers environmentally responsible end-of-life management services for HP products including product take-back, reuse and recycling programs
  • Require our suppliers to conduct their operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner

At HP, we integrate these objectives into our business planning, decision-making, performance tracking, and governance processes to ensure we achieve our goals and continually improve upon them.

To obtain a copy of HP’s Environmental, Health and Safety Policy, please go to
