HP owns and leases facilities around the world. Our Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy (now available in Chinese, Korean, and Spanish) and EHS management system (applying to all HP employees and contractors, and all operational sites) help us manage our environmental impact, improve worker safety, verify progress toward our goals and adherence to internal standards, and document compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We investigate all allegations that our facilities are failing to comply with applicable laws and take corrective action when needed.

At our 216 sites in 57 countries around the world, we are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, water withdrawal, and waste generation.


At HP, we support the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have existing programs that contribute to progress against 16 of the 17 goals and will continue to drive innovations that help achieve them. Our goals in HP Operations currently include:

  • Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions from global operations by 65% by 2025, compared to 20151
  • Reduce GHG emissions from HP owned or leased auto fleet vehicles by 25% by 2025, compared to 2015
  • Achieve a 100% electric vehicle (EV) company fleet by 20302
  • Use 100% renewable electricity in global operations by 2025
  • Reduce potable water withdrawal in global operations by 35% by 2025, compared to 2015
  • Reach zero waste in HP operations by 20253

See detailed information in the Climate Action section of the 2023 HP Sustainable Impact Report at: www.hp.com/go/report.

1 This updated goal was validated by SBTi, and supports our broader goal to achieve carbon-neutral HP operations by 2025.

2 In 2023 we updated our definition of EV to align with the automotive industry and our commitment to EV100. As a result, plug-in hybrid EVs are now considered part of our EV fleet.

3 Zero-waste operations: eliminate nonhazardous waste to landfill in all HP direct operations by 2025. Includes all HP-owned and -managed sites worldwide. Zero waste is defined by the UL or TRUE certification standards.