Water withdrawal associated with our operations makes up 2% of our total water footprint. This is roughly evenly split between direct withdrawal (mainly for use in buildings, cooling, landscaping, and production of high-purity water for manufacturing) and indirect withdrawal associated with generation of the electricity we use in our facilities.

In 2023, we withdrew 2,235,000 cubic meters of water overall, 0.4% more than in 2022 , due primarily to the addition of Poly sites and an underground leak at our site in Penang, Malaysia. The discovery of this leak led us to implement a more robust water-monitoring plan at the site, including relocating the pipes above ground, allowing for easier monitoring and repair.

In addition to overall water withdrawal, we continue to track and manage HP’s withdrawal of potable water. Although we met our 2025 potable water–reduction goal in 2022, we worked to meet it again in 2023 after adding 59 Poly sites to our portfolio through the acquisition.

HP recycled or reused 233,000 cubic meters of water1 globally during 2023 for landscaping, indoor plumbing fixtures, and as process water. This was equivalent to 10.4% of total water withdrawal. The company also captured and used 2,000 cubic meters of rainwater for cooling towers during the year.

We use the World Resource Institute Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool to assess the risk of sites and prioritize water-stressed locations. Using this tool, we assessed 216 HP facilities as part of our risk modeling for 2023. Ninety-eight of the facilities assessed (46% of the total) fall within the high or extremely high categories for baseline water stress.2 We withdrew 282,000 cubic meters of water from these locations, representing 13% of our overall water withdrawal.

See detailed information in the Climate Action section of the 2023 HP Sustainable Impact Report at: www.hp.com/go/report.

1 NEWater (ultra-purified wastewater used in manufacturing operations, landscaping, and graywater plumbing in Singapore) is currently our only reused source.

2 To more closely align with the GRI Standards, we are reporting this data according to baseline water stress as opposed to overall water risk as reported in past years.