
Please explain how HP is driving towards Circular Economy
Sustainable Impact is at the heart of HP’s business strategy. Our vision is to be the world’s most sustainable and just technology company, and in 2021 we a...
What principles do you follow to promote sustainable product design?
Design is a crucial step for embedding circularity into HP products and services, as 80% of a product’s impact is determined at the design phase.1 We apply ...
Did the company split impact HP Inc's approach to sustainability?
In October 2014, our Board of Directors announced the decision to separate Hewlett-Packard into two companies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. This s...
Do you have an ISO 14040 certificate regarding Lifecycle Assessment of HP products?
HP has been working with this standard for many years when designing HP products.  For more information, please see
Do HP products contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)?
No. HP's manufacturing processes, our supplier's manufacturing processes and HP products are CFC-free.
Do you design products with durability (incl. extended product life, repairability or upgradability) in mind?
HP offers a range of programs, initiatives and services designed to keep products and materials in use at their highest value for as long as possible, drivi...
HP’s Sustainable IT Purchasing guide & Top Recommended Procurement Criteria
The United Nations estimates that extractive industries are responsible for half of the world’s carbon emissions and more than 80% of biodiversity loss, acc...
Are your products validated to the UL 2809 Environmental Claim Validation Procedure (ECVP) for Recycled Content Standard?
Yes, on April 16, 2020, UL announced ( that HP had achieved re...
EU EcoDesign Framework of Energy Related Products (ERP)
For detailed overview of the regulations for Energy Related Products (ERP) such as LOT name, Regulation and Scope, Typical HP products and Public documentat...
HP Sustainable Raw Materials policies and programs
To learn more about HP's Sustainable Raw Materials policies and program, please see the attached document.