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Are Material Safety Data Sheets available for HP batteries? (Where do I find SDSs for HP notebook batteries?)
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) contain safety information about materials such as physical, chemical and toxicological properties, regulatory information, and rec...
Is current SDS required for batteries transportation?
There is no requirement or need for a "current SDS" as defined by a calendar year. The SDS is created when the battery is created and released. As...
Where can I find UN 38.3 Lithium Battery Test Summary Reports for HP products?
As of January 1, 2020 HP as a shipper is obliged to provide UN 38.3 Lithium Battery Test Summary Reports on request. As per IATA instructions this does not ...
Are HP batteries and accumulators free of cadmium, lead, and mercury?
These substances are restricted as per the HP General Specification for the Environment (GSE). HP communicates materials restrictions to its design team...
Are you registered in accordance with the Batteries and Accumulators Directive?
Yes, in all EU countries where HP is defined as a producer/importer.
Are lithium-ion batteries exempted from requirements of transport as DG in Australia?
Standalone batteries will remain as a Class 9 in Australia transport code which would require a declaration to the carrier. Notebooks, tablets, etc. fal...