
Where can I find Safety Datasheets (SDS) for HP printing cartridges?
Please note that Safety Data Sheets (SDS), formally known as Material Safety Datasheets (MSDS), contain safety information about materials such as physical,...
Are HP supplies classified as Dangerous Goods Magnetized Material or UN2807?
Per the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) standards, HP’s supplier provides the classification for the magnetize...
Do HP Fuser Kits, Maintenance Kits or Imaging Drums* require an SDS?
No. HP fuser kits, imaging drums as well as maintenance kits do not contain chemical mixtures/ preparations, hence no SDS is created or necessary. *Some...
Why is the UN code of a given Toner or Ink not always listed in their SDS?
Assigning of the UN classification depends on the chemical composition of the toner/ ink preparation.  E.g. certain toners (e.g.  CE505A) contain materi...
Do you need personal protective equipment when handling HP cartridges?
The Safety Datasheets (SDS) for HP cartridges must cover the potential hazards associated with the cartridge throughout the life of the product.   The p...
Toner/Ink cartridges recycled content
Ink cartridge recycled content statement   Toner cartridge recycled content statement...