HP’s commitment to upholding human rights is a core value in our company, shaping how we do business worldwide. Respect for human rights is much more than meeting customer and investor expectations or legal obligations. As vital as those aspects are, managing risks to rights holders is the right thing to do, and is good for our business.
HP’s policies and actions safeguard the trust and relationships our business depends on. Since legal systems are weak in some locations, and domestic laws do not always meet international standards, we cannot always rely on these structures. Our policies and strong due diligence processes allow us to influence local practices for the better, demonstrate what good looks like, and embed accountability for our actions. For these reasons, HP is focused on advancing our human rights leadership, policies, and programs as part of our continuing journey.
At HP, we pride ourselves on being a company of high integrity, transparency, and trust—a legacy of ethical leadership that stems from the steadfast beliefs of our founders. When they first developed our company’s principles back in 1957, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard were ahead of their time. Alongside business fundamentals such as market leadership and profitability, they also enshrined the idea of corporate citizenship. A company that focuses solely on profits, they said, ultimately betrays both itself and society. Decades later, these values continue to drive HP forward. Nearly 20 years have passed since we joined the UN Global Compact. Since then, we have put in place the industry’s first Supplier Code of Conduct, which underpins our efforts to address social and environmental issues in our supply chain. We also adopted our Sustainable Impact and Human Rights Policy, which outlines our unwavering commitment to human rights and requires our suppliers and partners uphold ethical business practices at all times. This work has never been more important, as we confront and combat systemic racism and inequality around the world. We must use recent events as a catalyst for meaningful and lasting changing—recognizing that, while we’ve made progress in certain areas, we have a lot more work to do in others to create a more equitable and just society.