Please note that HP Standard meets most of the STeP criteria. Below is a summary of the items that were identified as either not met or only partially meet by HP:

2.5.1 Systems Approach – Coverage of the Entire EOL Chain - Standards need to be set for Collection, Transport, Storage, Preparation for re-use, Treatment, and Disposal. However, the HP Standard does not include Collection criteria.

2.8 Periodical Review - EOL standards should be reviewed periodically in order to keep them up to date with the most recent scientific findings and technological progress. The review period should be stipulated in the Standard (every 4-5 years is the recommendation). HP's Standard does not stipulate how frequently it will be reviewed.

4.1 Collection of E-waste – As mentioned above, the HP Standard does not include Collection criteria.

4.2.2 Requirements for Efficient Transport of E-waste - A transport standard should require EOL logistics operators to follow a concept for environment-friendly logistics. Concepts may include shortening the distance traveled; an environmental impact minimization plan; the use of more sustainable modes of transport, such as shipping and rail, rather than trucking; the use of fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicles; periodic eco-driving training; and requiring operators to provide information on the environmental impacts of their services. The HP Standard reviews logistics from a safe handling, health and safety risk, and data protection perspective, but does not include environmental impact criteria.

5.3 Recycling Targets - Recycling targets set minimum quantitative thresholds for the amount of materials to be recycled from treated e-waste. These are not required to be included in an EOL Standard, but they are recommended as a measure of effectiveness. There are no recycling targets set in HP's Standard.

In addition, HP has the following sections in their Standard/audit protocol, which are either not mentioned in StEP or go beyond what is required in StEP:

Foreign Migrant Worker Health and Safety (EICC Standard) Emergency Planning & Response (EICC Standard)Ethics Facility Security Inventory, Tracking, and Data Management (i.e. accounting) Business Continuity Logistics – HP does not cover environmental efficiency, but it does cover health and safety risk and data protection, which are not included in StEP Downstream vendor auditing