The responsibility to respect human rights is driven from the top of HP. Governance and leadership are therefore the starting point for all human rights activities throughout the company. Our executive leadership team, led by our CEO, retains overall responsibility for Sustainable Impact as part of our business strategy. All members of the executive leadership team oversee Sustainable Impact targets relevant to their organizations and are evaluated annually against objectives related to Sustainable Impact, including diversity and inclusion. Performance against these and other business objectives is tied to total compensation.

We enact our responsibilities vertically—from corporate policies down to operational decision-making—and horizontally, across business functions. This is reflected in our governance structure (see chart).

The Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee (NGSRC) of the HP Board of Directors oversees human rights across HP, including reviewing the results of the annual human rights assessment and approving HP’s annual company-wide Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

HP executives hold specific roles in relation to human rights. 

- The Chief Supply Chain Officer oversees our manufacturing supply chain and implementation of our human rights commitments (found within our Sustainable Impact Strategy and Human Rights Policy) and due diligence processes to prevent, mitigate, and remediate related impacts. 

- The President of Strategy and Business Management and Chief Legal Officer oversees the Privacy Office and the Ethics and Compliance Office (which owns the company’s grievance mechanism); and Strategy and Business Management includes management and due diligence of our non-manufacturing suppliers, and our facilities management. 

- The Chief Human Resources Officer oversees policies and procedures related to HP employees and our diversity and inclusion program. 

The Sustainable Impact Steering Committee is led by our Head of Sustainability and Product Compliance, and is comprised of a team of leaders to drive the implementation of HP’s Sustainable Impact strategy. 

The Human Rights Council was created in 2016 to coordinate due diligence, mitigation of human rights risks, and align initiatives across organizations (or functions). It is chaired by the head of the Human Rights Office, and includes senior management from Ethics and Compliance, Global Indirect Procurement, Human Resources, Privacy, Supply Chain Responsibility, and Technical Regulations. The Human Rights Council is convened bi-annually to review the results of our human rights assessment and to devise a plan of action for continuous improvement.