HP has very high standards of quality and reliability to ensure when a customer inserts an HP LaserJet cartridge into an HP printer it works. All of our packaging materials are recyclable and the outer box has on average 50% post consumer recycled content. Please be assured, HP uses the minimal amount of packaging to pass our worldwide shipping requirements and packaging may be recycled with cardboard in most locations.
HP recommends removing packaging when returning in bulk collection boxes or pallet quantities to maximize shipping capacity. However, packaging is accepted when cartridges are returned individually. Every HP LaserJet cartridge box contains a recycling guide with directions and printed drawings on the inside of the box flaps to show how to return HP LaserJet cartridges to HP for recycling. The graphics on the box and the directions in the recycling guide show customers can place the used HP cartridge back into the HP box and ship it to HP for recycling. Although HP does not highlight it, the packaging is also recycled.
HP designs the LaserJet cartridge packaging to ship anywhere in the world by any shipping method. The packages travel via ocean container, rail, truck or even bicycle depending on where the LaserJet cartridge is in the world. FedEx and UPS can be particularly tough on small packages that are shipped overnight or 2nd day and our LaserJet cartridge packaging is designed to withstand those shipping conditions without additional over boxing. HP optimizes the number of units per pallet and the number of pallets in an ocean container or truck to minimize the number of ships or trucks used to ship LaserJet cartridges to our customers around the world.