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What is HP's position on environmental management systems like ISO 14001?
HP is one of the first global businesses to achieve companywide certification of its worldwide manufacturing operations to ISO 14001. This certification vali...
Please describe your Climate Action strategy
HP has a long-standing history of climate action. Our ambitious goals are designed to combat climate change by focusing on GHG emissions, circularity, and f...
What is HP’s position on Climate Change agreements and legislation?
Climate change is one of the most significant and urgent issues facing business and society today. The science is clear, the impacts are serious, and the ti...
What actions has HP taken to address the Climate Change challenge?
Climate change is one of the most significant and urgent issues facing business and society today. The science is clear, the impacts are serious, and the ti...
Does HP participate in the EcoVadis CSR rating tool?
EcoVadis operates the first collaborative platform providing Supplier Sustainability Ratings for global supply chains. The platform also works with corporat...
Is HP ISO 9001 certified?
Yes. At HP, Quality matters and it is everyone's responsibility. We are committed to continually improving the quality of our products and services. ...
Do you use any ozone-depleters?
HP eliminated the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) in all products and manufacturing operations in 1993. HP facilities use ODSs as refrigerants ...
Does HP participate in various sustainability platforms?
Each year, HP receives numerous requests from customers, suppliers and business partners asking that HP participates in various sustainability platforms in ...